Executives identified that a talent management strategy is the second most critical strategy (only behind an operational strategy) for business success. Seize the opportunity to weave high performance talent management strategy and operations with human performance technology to drive business results. Showcase organization’s commitment to recruit, retain, and develop talented staff members. Learn to accelerate talent management initiatives to gain a competitive edge in the market together with a powerful employer brand.
Our partners gain hands-on knowledge and skills to attract, hire the best and the right employee, retain them with a focus on a proven and practical talent methodology.
Work with IRS Training to increase talent engagement with a customized approach to workforce planning, talent acquisition, talent development, performance management, and organizational culture change. Leverage on IRS Training’s unique customization approach of research-based theories with proven industry practices to manage talents at all levels of your organization.
Clients often build on the experience and results of initial programs by engaging in multi-phase, multi-year, intensive solutions. Research-centric content is continuously evolving to focus on the most current and crucial talent management agenda that matters the most in today’s global frontier.
Under IRS TRAINING -TALENT ACCELERATION CENTRE (TAC), we also publish online resources containing various subject matters to enhance knowledge and skills application to support talent acceleration.

Experience a human capital management excellence to learn, diagnose, and build leading-practice talent management. Hence, contact IRS Training for more details.